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The image of Eternal spirit and counterpart of Universe

The image of Eternal spirit and counterpart of Universe

Its clearly mentioned in religious scriptures that supreme divine has created human being identical to his image. Along with the divine lord has imparted such unique qualities which other animates are devoid of. It has been described in epics that soul is no other entity but a fraction of supreme divine only, his image only and the human embodiment is counterpart of entire universe. The elements which constitute universe, the shape in which does universe exist, the rules by which universe is directed and conducted. The same elements in same shape are present in human embodiment and are directed by same rules. These facts are not only described in religious epics but are the personal experiences of accomplished ascetics.

The ascetics who have attained the highest position of devotion on the path of adorations have advocated that ,dks czã f}rh;ks ukfLr aiko brahm dvitayo naasti!, which implies that besides the eternal spirit nothing has any existence. The above declaration of sages neither relies on any concocted hypothesis nor has been stated with a motive of propaganda or spreading of virtuous facts described in scriptures. Since ancient times various sages, seers and devotees have expressed their experiences in their own languages and style, they also give a proof of this fact that only by the desire of one and only one immortal power the entire universe is created, nurtured and destroyed.